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Dog care

Why it’s important to feed your dog by her age

Dogs go through different life stages with different nutritional requirements. Let’s take a look at why your puppy has specific feeding requirements compared to adult dogs, and why senior dogs’ diets are different still. This information will help you to choose the perfect food for your furry friend.

How to choose the right pet toys for your dog

Toys are crucial to keep your dog’s attention focused and to keep his mind and body stimulated. Toys also create something for you and your dog to bond over. But does your dog have the right toys? Here’s a handy guide to ensure you choose the most appropriate toys for your dog’s needs and temperament.

When should you get pet stairs or a pet ramp for your dog?

There are many physical conditions in our furry family members that may require the need for pet stairs or ramps. If your dog is small and/or old or has a predisposition to joint problems, then pet stairs or a pet ramp will be perfect. Let’s take a closer look.

Chew vs spot-on: What’s the best solution for ticks and fleas?

There are many tick and flea preventative treatments on the market to ensure our beloved furry friends don’t get sick from parasite-borne diseases. But which is better, oral or topical: a chewable tablet or a spot-on treatment? We’ve got the answer.

Winter pet care for older dogs

Winter can be tough for our senior pets, but fortunately there’s a lot you can do to keep your older dog warm and comfortable on the outside and from within. How many items on this checklist can you complete?

The dos and don’ts of dog walking

Now that we’re back to walking our dogs during the daytime, here’s a refresher on dog walking etiquette. It may contain some harsh truths as well as the important question: how many of these ‘rules’ do you break?

How often should I wash my dog’s bed?

Your dog’s bed is his plush kingdom, his private quarters, his proud throne. But when it gets grimy, hairy or mucky, it’s anything but a royal boudoir for your favourite ruffian! It’s important that you wash your dog’s bed regularly – just how often (and how) depends on the dog, the bed, and you.

What to do about these pet illnesses in winter

You’ve stocked up on cold and flu meds, thick blankets and a bag of oranges just in time for winter, just in case. But isn’t this also the time of year your pets suffer some extra aches and pains too? Keep an eye on them for these winter illnesses and what you should do.

Should pets gain weight in winter?

“She’s not fat, she’s just fluffy!” If you’ve ever used this excuse for your pudgy dog or cat, then this blog is for you! Here’s what you should know about winter weight gain in pets, and how to manage it.

How to alleviate your pets’ arthritic pain in winter

As our senior pets get older, they will be more prone to the pain and effects of joint problems, especially in winter. Don’t let your ageing furry or purry suffer in silence. Here are a few practical ways to ease arthritic pain during winter.

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