Cat Grooming
Showing 1–12 of 129 results
Showing 1–12 of 129 results
Cats are frequent groomers, in fact, your cat spends about 50% of its time grooming. Grooming stimulates your cat’s hair follicles to release natural oils onto the hairs to keep them clean and lubricated. With these cat grooming products from Pet Hero, you can help your cat to stay clean and gorgeous without unnecessary trips to the groomers.How much does it cost for a cat to be groomed?
Having your cat groomed can cost anything between R300 and R900, which may even need to include sedation. It is much more economical to buy your own grooming products from Pet Hero and to groom your cat in a calm and familiar environment.Do cats need grooming?
Cat grooming services are not recommended as frequently as dog grooming, because cats are self groomers and can maintain their cleanliness. If your cat has a thick coat, then invest in a dematting comb like the Rosewood Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush and you won’t need to send Mitzy to the groomers all that often. You can also help to keep your cat extra clean between grooming visits, by using wipes, like the Earthbath Cat Wipes, and freshening sprays like the Tropiclean Baby Powder Freshening Spray.Why do cats groom so much?
Cats are naturally frequent groomers and they will spend a lot of their time grooming themselves. Cats mostly groom to maintain their pristine looks, but obsessive grooming could be an indicator of stress and could lead to skin sores. To treat sores caused by obsessive grooming, try a medicated shampoo like the GE Barrier Medicated Shampoo for Cats and Dogs with Skin Conditions.