Cat litter and accessories

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Providing two cat litter boxes for your cat is one of the non-negotiables of being a cat pawrent. It’s also one of those trial-and-error catuations in which you’ll need to test a few litterboxes and types of cat litter to find what works best for your cat and which cat litter she prefers.

Which type of litter is best for cats?

Ask the same question about cat food and you’ll get the same answer: it depends on the cat’s needs and preferences. Some cats prefer silicone-based litter; some prefer clay cat litter; some prefer wood-based litter pellets; some cats are very sensitive to ‘litter dust’ and will need a dust-free litter. The best type of cat litter is highly absorbent, eliminates odours, and is easy to dispose of. Try the cat litter that works best for your pet parent needs and hopefully your cat likes it too!

Read about different cat litters here: Cat litter: What’s the difference?

How often should you change a cat’s litter?

The rule of thumb for changing a cat’s litter is twice a week, but this also depends on how many cat litterboxes you have available for your cat (the rule is one litterbox for each cat, plus one extra). As long as you can maintain a routine that ensures a hygienic experience for your cat and your household, work on a litter-changing schedule that meets these needs. 

For more information on cat litterboxes, read this: Litter box etiquette