Deworming for cats

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As a carnivorous predator, your cat will encounter her fair share of wildlife. Roaming around outside, she will rub against interesting scents, hunt rodents, lizards and birds, and more than likely ingest a wild creature or three. This behaviour exposes her to worm larvae and eggs, which then find their way into the purrfect breeding ground: your cat’s intestines.

Can I deworm my cat myself?

You do not need a veterinarian’s prescription to buy dewormer for cats – just have a look on Pet Hero at the wide range of deworming products available. Vets do recommend that cat owners regularly deworm their cats at home, which will eliminate worms already present (if any) and prevent internal parasites from sticking around. This will ensure your cat does not suffer from the symptoms of worms, and that intestinal parasites do not interfere with her ability to absorb nutrients from her food.

How often should you deworm a cat?

This depends on the strength and function of the dewormer. Choose the dewormer that best suits your cat’s needs and follow the product instructions carefully. Repeat the necessary dosage of dewormer as instructed. Always read the product instructions and use the product as recommended.

How did my indoor cat get worms?

Cats can get tapeworms from fleas. True story! When cats groom themselves, they may ingest the flea and consequently the tapeworm egg, which then develops into a tapeworm. If indoor and outdoor cats share a litterbox, the indoor cat can be contaminated with worm egg-infected cat poop, groom herself and voila: Worms.

Rather be safe and deworm your cat regularly.