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American curl cat breed – Facts and traits

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The American Curl is a unique feline breed and, as their name implies, characterised by their curly ears. This feature truly does differentiate the breed from others. This cat generally has a well-proportioned and slender build. Their coat is soft, silky, light in colour, with no undercoat. The American Curl is found in many colours and in both long- and short-haired varieties. Its ears are moderately large, with a wide and open base and they are curled outwards toward the tips. Ideally, the ears should not curl back so far that they would touch the skull. Curl kittens look similar to other kittens, but with large open ears. Their ears will start to curl back within one week of age, curling and uncurling over the course of the first four months. Thereafter the curl will become fixed and permanent.

American Curls have many other qualities over and above their whimsical ears, making them a very attractive breed to own as pets. Although they do thrive on attention, they’re not excessively vocal cats. They are known for greeting companions with a friendly soft bump to the head, and for their enthusiasm to ‘help out’ in the kitchen. They’re known to get along well in families with children and are therefore a great choice for first time cat owners. Being naturally intelligent and inquisitive, the Curl often spends a considerable amount of time exploring its environment and playing games. American Curls will require regular ear check-ups to ensure that their ears are in a healthy condition.

This cat had an easy climb up the ladder of success. Since its existence, the Curl has managed to win the hearts of many South African cat lovers, and it falls into the top 10 most popular breeds. The first American Curls mysteriously appeared as strays on the doorstep of the Rugas in Lakewood, California in June 1981. The black female, named Shulamith, gave birth to a litter of cats with the same curled ears and so became the ancestor of all the American Curls we know and love today.

Breed American Curl
Country America
Average Adult Height 25 – 30cm
Average Adult Weight 3.17kg – 4.53kg
Life Expectancy 12-15 Years
Exercise requirements Loves to play a game or two.
Similar Breeds Domestic short hair and long hair cat with the exception of the curl on the tip of the ears
Rescues in South Africa None in South Africa
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