Breed Specific Dog Food

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Every individual dog will have unique nutritional needs, some of which can only be determined over time (i.e. if the dog has food allergies or a sensitive tummy). Most pet pawrents figure this out using a process of elimination or get veterinary advice for the best diet for their dog’s health and wellbeing. To make this process easier, some pet food manufacturers have formulated breed-specific dog food.

Why do different dog breeds need different food?

Many dog breeds are known for their unique nutritional needs. For instance, large and giant breed dogs tend more towards genetic disorders like hip dysplasia, so these breeds’ food varieties contain ingredients to protect their joints. Some dogs (like Labradors and beagles) tend to overeat and quickly gain weight, so their breed-specific food is designed to control these tendencies. Many small and toy dog breeds (like Yorkies or Chihuahuas) experience dental health problems because they have many teeth crammed into tiny jaws, so their food is designed with this in mind. Dog breeds known for heart health issues also need a diet tailored for cardiac function.

How does breed-specific dog food work?

Breed-specific dog food is not only designed to counteract known breed-specific problems, but it also meets dog breeds’ needs head-on. The nutritional recipes are formulated for each dog breed’s needs; and the size, shape and texture of the kibble are also adapted to the facial shape, jaw structure and biting pattern of each type of dog. If your dog has breed-specific needs (i.e. typical weight gain, is a fast eater, prone to heart health issues, etc.), instead of reinventing the wheel, your vet may recommend a breed-specific dog food already tailored to support these health issues.