The purpose of using a lead when walking a dog is to keep the dog under control and safe.
Retractable leads such as the Smart Choice 3m Retractable Dog Lead are a popular choice because they allow your dog more freedom on walks. It is also not as confining as a standard lead. A retractable lead offers your dog greater freedom of movement, which can enrich your walks.
The Smart Choice 3m Retractable Dog Lead is great for your dog who has more energy and wants to move at a faster pace. Well-behaved dogs have more freedom to smell interesting spots, mark new locations and explore. With extra freedom, that the retractable lead offers, more self-confidence could develop. Thanks to their good behaviour, many dogs earn a little more fun and exercise, without being attached to their owner’s side.
The Smart Choice 3m Retractable Dog Lead can be used as an advanced tool, once a dog has learned and obeys commands.
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