Ricky Litchfield

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Ricky was a crossbred Border Collie/Old English sheepdog from a family living in Kent, not far from the fighter command base at Biggin Hill. In 1941, acute food shortages prompted the family to write to the War Office, offering Ricky’s services as a war dog. He passed his test with flying colours and was drafted into the British Army “sapper” division concerned with mine detection and removals.

At the end of 1945 and the war, Ricky was awarded the famous Dickin Medal or Animal’s VC for “extreme bravery and devotion to duty”. This commitment to preserving life has led to the development of a range of healthy Pet products using Buchu, the proven healthy alternative.

What type of products does Ricky Litchfield offer?

An all-natural range for dogs and cats with the active ingredient of Buchu extract. Give your pet the best alternative to deal with pain and inflammation related to conditions like:

  • rheumatism;
  • arthritis;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • skin disorders;
  • bladder infection, and
  • general injuries.

Unlike traditional painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, no harmful side effects are associated with using Buchu extract.

What sets Ricky Litchfield apart from the rest?

  • Buchu contains the bioflavonoids quercetin, rutin, hesperidin, diosmin, diosphenol, and Vitamins A, B and E.
  • The Buchu extract used in Ricky Litchfield products is also an alternative for maintaining a healthy digestive tract.