Ticks and fleas are nasty little critters that can cause havoc on your dog and inside your home. They multiply very quickly and before you know it they’ll be everywhere – in your backyard, your dog’s bed and on the living-room carpet!
Credelio (lotilaner) is an effective treatment against ticks and fleas and starts killing within 4 hours. After 8 hours, 99% of ticks would be killed, and after 12 hours, 100% of fleas. It’s effective for 35 days. Credelio’s active ingredient, lotilaner, is a member of the isoxazoline family, a novel class of parasiticides that targets the nerve receptors of ticks and fleas.
Credelio is a small, tasty, beef-flavoured, chewable tablet that is gentle on dogs but tough on ticks and fleas. Credelio is suitable for dogs and puppies older than eight weeks and weighing at least 1.3 kg.
Credelio should be given with food.
Store at 15 – 25° C.
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