All cats love going into dark and safe places. Why not make a tent where they can nap and feel secure all day long? This SUPER easy pop-up T-shirt tent is fun to make and your cat will love it.
What you need:
1 x Old T-shirt
Safety Pins
2 x Wire Hangers
1 x Old Cushion
Cardboard box
- Iron Wire or Tape
Straighten out the two wire hangers and create a dome-like shape. Curve the ends of the wire so it can hook underneath the cardboard box.
Poke holes on each corner of the cardboard box – you should be able to use the end of the hanger to do this. Do not make them bigger.
Cross the two wires over each other and fix it together in the middle with iron wire or tape.
Adjust the curvature of the hangers to make sure the room is suitable for your cat’s size.
Bend the wire at least 3 cm at the bottom of each hanger so it sits against the bottom of the cardboard.
Tape down the ends securely, fiddle around with the wire to make sure you have a dome shape.
Pull the T-shirt over the dome. Make sure the neck is in the centre at the bottom of the frame.
Fold the excess T-shirt to the bottom of the dome as tight as possible and pin it together.
- Put your pillow in the tent and call your kitty to try it out.