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How do dogs make our lives better?

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Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle – Do dogs better our lives?

The big question: do dogs better our lives? Many pet owners will say “most definitely!”, And this is mostly because of the unbelievable or unexplainable affection, attention and joy that they receive from their fur babies. Their dog/s are part of the family, and that is that. Many people are unaware of how much a dog improves their health without thinking about it.

The unexplainable feel-good-feeling which your dog gives

How do dogs make our lives better?
Just like babies, dogs release a pheromone that makes us feel happy and loved. We also release the same pheromone to our dog/s, which is why we love them so much, and they love us. We make each other feel OK, and boy oh boy, do we love it!

Many studies have shown that by having a dog near you, you can get healed. It is a known fact that people who own dogs have lower blood pressure than those who do not. The primary reason for this is that dogs, and cats as well, releases a hormone that relaxes a person and by merely petting them, your stress can be soothed away.

Personal Health

How do dogs make our lives better?
Not only does your dog/s improve your cardiovascular system, but they also improve your fitness. If you have a dog, you would know how much they love going for walks or runs in the park. They love the new smells and greeting other humans and following dog friends. The minute you say “walkies” or put on your takkies, your dog knows what’s coming, and excitement runs in the air. You immediately start feeling good, because you are making your fur baby so happy. Not only are you making your pup happy, but you are also becoming fit. Walking your dog is an excellent exercise for your body and mind. Getting fresh air and good views is a great way to relax the body and mind from a long day of stress at the office.


How do dogs make our lives better?
Pets make great companionship, and the best part is that there is a breed for every person. If you are an outgoing person that loves the outdoors like running, hiking and camping, then there is a breed that would love to join you. Breeds like the Siberian Husky, Labrador Retriever, Vizsla, Bernese Mountain Dog, Portuguese Water Dog and so much more are very energetic, intelligent dogs and love to be stimulated and the outdoors will do the trick.

If you like to chill at home and have a lap dog that you can rub and relax with, then there is a breed for you, e.g., the Pekingese, Tibetan Spaniel, King Charles Cavalier, English Bulldog and so much more. These would love to sit beside you while you watch TV or read a book.

Dogs also make great companions for older people; they give a sense of purpose in their lives. They have to get up from the bed, feed the dog and take him/her for a walk. The dog is dependant on them, and they tend to like the feeling of not being alone.

While there is a breed out there for just about any person, one must understand that all breeds need exercise. Some might not need more than others, but a dog does need to be stimulated and needs to maintain his/her weight. After all, it is good for both dog and human. Before deciding on getting a dog, make sure you do proper research. Know what you are getting and whether that specific breed is the right one for you and your family.

Children’s Emotional Development

How do dogs make our lives better?
When a child has no brothers or sisters, research shows that pets help children develop greater empathy, higher self-esteem and increased participation in social and physical activities. Having a dog present may also reduce anxiety in a child.

Social Support

Many people suggest that the social support a pet provides can make a person feel more relaxed and decrease stress. The social support provided by a pet might also encourage more social interactions with people, reducing feelings of isolation or loneliness. For example, walking with a dog has been found to increase social interaction, especially with strangers, compared to walking without a dog.

The working dog make a BIG difference

Many working dogs save lives every day. These dogs:

  1. help you stay ahead of epilepsy, letting you know that a seizure is coming;

  2. help the blind;

  3. help the deaf;

  4. sniff out cancer;

  5. help find missing people;

  6. help prevent peanut allergies;

  7. help people with anxiety.

The Bottom Line

How do dogs make our lives better?
Dogs are a huge responsibility to take on. Make sure you are prepared to provide the dog with all it needs and that you as a human make the right decision to protect and love the dog, as it will do to you. Dogs can change your life if you are ready for it. Do your research and know what you are getting beforehand.

Many people who own dogs will say that their dogs have improved their lives. Dogs make great companions, great friends, great exercise buddies, great everything as long as you involve them. A dog will always go out of its way to make you happy, so why not do the same for them? They live a shorter life, so appreciate every minute you can spend with them. They will teach you to love and live life to the full.

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